Seed 4
“Every time you create a gap in your stream of mind, the light of your consciousness grows stronger.”
- Eckhart Tolle
Our lives fundamentally revolve around a simple quest for control.
Whether it’s the relationships we nurture, the work we dedicate ourselves to, or the thoughts that endlessly circle in our minds, everything is part of a cosmic negotiation for influence over the events that shape our life.
The irony of this compulsive quest that ensnares the majority of humanity is that true freedom doesn’t lie in gaining control, but in the act of surrendering it.
It is here, within the plasticity of our calmness that true creation is revealed.
When we let go of the need to dominate our circumstances, we make space for inspiration and possibility to flourish. In this surrender, we discover that the most profound power comes not from force, but from flow.
Inspiration and novelty are not born from the toiling of our ego-driven minds, but from the Godly space we create when we surrender to the present now and become fluid in the infinite flow of consciousness.
In this state of openness, we align with a higher frequency, allowing creativity to emerge effortlessly.
By embracing the present and releasing the need for control, we tap into a boundless source of wisdom and possibility.
Our pure consciousness is not merely a reservoir of divine wisdom but the very stream of light that has ignited life in all creation.
It flows through everything, connecting us to the essence of the universe and the boundless potential within it.
Find this space, be still within it, and embrace the gift of the singular truth you are looking for.
Art Work : Instagram - Jpierce - December 24, 2021.