Seed 1
“There is no loftier mission than to approach the Divinity nearer than other men, and to disseminate the divine rays among mankind.” - Ludwig Van Beethoven
When I think about this dream of life here on Earth, where our soul has taken form in this flesh and thirsts for a connected union with God, the only thing I absolutely feel and simply know, deep within my heart and intuition, is that Divinity Breathes.
With each breath, I am reminded that my spirituality is the foundation of my life. It is in this breath that the living, omnipresent truth becomes manifested in my sense of self.
As we live through our authentic intuition, the world tends to gravitate toward us rather than against us. It is in this raptured space that I want to learn, love, grow, and connect.
My soul feels most alive when Divine energy is manifesting and when I can sense it in others during a conversation that opens their heart to the truth.
It is not just God in a worldly sense, but the magical spark that flows through the melody of a song, clearing your mind and motivating your soul toward joy.
It is a lake that mirrors the stars, promising the eternal.
It is your exhaling breath that reminds the world you are here to serve.
There is no loftier mission than to approach this Divinity, for this is the path to your Garden of Eden.
And in a world lost in the darkest hour of the ego, your light of faith is the only fruit that can nourish another lost soul.
Pick up your cross and be challenged in your faith to rise higher than those around you, finding a space to disseminate your Divine rays among mankind.
For here lies the dream of life on Earth, and through this perspective, you will find your first step on the journey to your soul.
Artist : Instagram - JayCobyArt - July 8, 2024.